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- How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one glass of NESTLÉ MILKPAK fulfill?
- Can children who are calcium deficient consume NESTLÉ MILKPAK?
- Can we boil NESTLÉ MILKPAK before consumption?
- If we boil NESTLÉ MILKPAK, we do not get cream from it, is it fat free?
- Can we make yogurt from NESTLÉ MILKPAK?
- What is meant by UHT processed milk?
- Can we prepare good quality malai as we can prepare it from the loose milk?
- Can NESTLÉ MILKPAK be used for making tea?
- Can it be given to children who are calcium deficient?
- What does standardized mean?
- If NESTLÉ MILKPAK is not recommended for children less than 12 months, can we use to for children above 1 year and older?
- If no preservatives in added in NESTLÉ MILKPAK, than how is it long-lasting?
- Is NESTLÉ MILKPAK pasteurized?
- Can diabetic patients consume NESTLÉ MILKPAK CREAM?
- What is the recommended procedure to store the product?
- For how long can cream be stored once opened?
- What is the age group who can use this product?
- People who are weight conscious can use NESTLÉ MILKPAK CREAM?
- Can we use NESTLÉ directly on oven hot product?
- What is the percentage of fat in NESTLÉ NESVITA?
- What are the differences in NESTLÉ MILKPAK and NESTLÉ NESVITA milk?
- Can we consume NESTLÉ EVERYDAY as normal milk?
- Do we need to prepare milk before adding the product to the tea or we can add it directly?
- Can we make desserts with NESTLÉ EVERYDAY?
- How many cups of tea can be made from 1000 gm pack?
- What is the recommended procedure of making tea from NESTLÉ EVERYDAY?
- Why does it form lumps?
- Is sugar added in the product? If yes should we add sugar while making milk/tea?
- What should be temperature of water for adding NESTLÉ EVERYDAY in it?
- What is the standard storage practice for NESTLÉ EVERYDAY?
- Which types of minerals are added in NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- Can we make desserts from NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- Can I prepare my kid’s infant nutrition meal by adding it in NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- Can diabetic children consume NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW does not dissolve properly in boiled water. Why?
- What is the procedure of making NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- What is the procedure of making tea with NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- How is NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW better than other milks for children?
- Why is age limits defined on every NESTLÉ NIDO? If I do not fall within these age groups, can I still consume it?
- What is the difference between NESTLÉ BUNYAD and NESTLÉ NIDO FORTIGROW?
- Is NESTLÉ BUNYAD for children 4 years and above?
- What are the benefits of NESTLÉ ACTI PLUS YOGURT?
- What is the difference between NESTLÉ RIWAITI MAZA and NESTLÉ SWEET n TASTY YOGURT?
- Is the yoghurt available at yogurt shop is of same quality as packaged yoghurt (Rawaiti and Plain Yoghurt)?
- Can we prepare Lassi with Nestlé Yogurts?
- Can we use Nestlé yogurts in cooking?
- Within what time should the yogurt be consumed after opening?
- If stored in refrigerator, why does the water gets separated from the yogurt?
- Is sugar added in NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS Juices?
- What amount of sugar is added in NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS?
- If I am a diabetic patient, can I consume NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS Juices?
- Is the artificial flavor added to Nestlé juices safe to consume?
- NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS claims to have “no preservatives” yet its ingredients mention ‘stabilizers’. What is the difference between them and is their addition in the product safe and healthy?
- How do you produce nectar when fruit goes out of season? Are any chemicals added or is it prepared artificially?
- What is the difference between NESTLÉ NESFRUTA and NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS?
- Is this product safe to use as it in tetra packaging?
- What does nectar mean?
- Is NESTLÉ NESFRUTA a pure juice?
- Why NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS Orange Juice tastes different than pure orange juice?
- Why is it that Guava Nectar has 4 months shelf life and all the other juices have 6 months shelf life?
- Q16- Is Monosodium Glutamate / MSG / Chinese Salt / Ajinomoto safe to use?
- I am diet conscious, can I consume NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES?
- If I am a diabetic patient, can I safely consume NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES?
- Can I consume NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES safely on a regular basis?
- Does NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES contain Wax?
- Are NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES fried or steamed cooked?
- How many flavors are there in NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES?
- What is the composition of NESTLÉ MAGGI NOODLES?
- Is it necessary to use taste enhancer in noodles?
- Do we need to add salt or any spice in the noodles?
- Is it safe to use in diabetes?
- Can we add additional ingredients in it?
- Can we consider it as a wholesome meal for kids?
- When exactly should we add the taste maker while cooking it?
- Aren’t the noodles raw & need longer cooking?
- Is it only for kids?
- Isn’t it expensive?
- How do you prepare NESTLÉ MAGGI Noodles?
- Is there only one way to prepare NESTLÉ MAGGI Noodles?
- What Is NESTLÉ MAGGI Chotoo?
- How many flavours are there in NESTLÉ MAGGI Chotoo?
- I have kidney problems, is NESTLÉ NESCAFÉ suitable for me?
- If I am a patient of blood pressure, would daily consumption of coffee affect my health?
- What is the maximum amount of caffeine that can be safely consumed per day?
- Is caffeine useful for health?
- How can we prepare NESTLÉ NESCAFE 3in1 sachet?
- What is the difference between NESTLÉ NESCAFE Classic and NESTLÉ NESCAFE Gold?
- Shall we add sugar and milk in NESTLÉ NESCAFE 3 in 1?
- Is NESTLÉ Nescafe an imported product?
- Explain the preparation method for a cup of coffee.
- Would the daily consumption of coffee affect a person who is a patient of blood pressure?
- Do we need to whisk the 3 in 1 sachet as well?
- Is regular use of coffee injurious to health?
- What is PROTOMALT?
- What are the benefits of PROTOMALT in MILO?
- Can I drink NESTLÉ MILO after a workout to get energy?
- Is NESTLÉ MILO available in any other flavor?
- What is the target audience for NESTLÉ MILO?
- Why is NESTLÉ MILO not introduced in a larger SKU?
- Can we drink milo as hot chocolate?
- The previous NESTLÉ MILO and the new NESTLÉ MILO PROTOMALT taste exactly the same, it does not really feel as if malt has been added to it?
- Can NESTLÉ MILO powder be prepared in hot milk?
- Can this product be used by older people?
- What is the purpose of adding Zinc in NESTLÉ PURE LIFE?
- What is the difference between pure water and mineral water?
- Can I give NPL safely to my baby?
- If I am a heart patient or have high blood pressure is NPL water suitable for me?
- What is the procedure of delivery for NPL HOD 19 ltr?
- What is the source of NESTLÉ PURE LIFE water?
- Is it already filtered, what is the purification procedure in this regard?
- Why it is called pure water and not mineral water?
- Is the NPL HOD service available in Balochistan?
- Where is the batch and expiry date written on 19 liters bottle?
- What quantity of vitamins and minerals is added in NPL?
- How many water plants for NPL are set up in different cities/areas of Pakistan?
- Within how many days do we have to use NPL HOD?
- In what time should one consume the PET bottle water, once opened?
- How do you clean your bottles before refilling?
- Why is the taste of NPL Pet Bottle different from Bulk water? Is the process for PET and Jumbo bottle same?
- What Quality Certification / Standard Nestle has (WHO / ISO) maintained?
- What is the lab from where Nestlé water is tested regularly?
- What is the Mineral Composition of Water?
- What kind of material is used to manufacture Jumbo Bottles and its seals?
- What is the shelf life of NESTLÉ PURE LIFE?
- Why is bulk water cheap in price as compare to PET?
- What are Whole Grains?
- What are the benefits of Whole Grain?
- Are all Nestlé Breakfast Cereals made from Whole Grain?
- If I am a diabetic patient, can I consume Nestlé CORNFLAKES?
- What is the composition of Nestlé CORNFLAKES? Are they suitable an older age group?
- Can Nestlé breakfast cereals be easily digested by an older age group?
- How many brands/SKUs are there in Nestlé Breakfast Cereal’s portfolio?
- What is the shelf life of Nestlé Breakfast Cereals?
- What is CPW?
- How to prepare MILO Cereals?
- Can we add fruits while preparing Breakfast Cereals?
- Can diabetic patient have corn flakes?
- What is the composition of Corn flakes? Can even the older people consume it?
- Can breakfast cereals be easily digested by an older age group?
- What is the procedure of making Nestle cereals?