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Q16- Is Monosodium Glutamate / MSG / Chinese Salt / Ajinomoto safe to use?
Absolutely! Scientific communities around the world & Nestlé as well has done a lot of research on the effects of MSG & have concluded that MSG has no adverse effects if consumed in normal amounts as part of the diet. MSG has had FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status since 1959. It has been declared safe under the common conditions of use by the Joint (FAO/ WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and the former EU Scientific Committee for Food (SFC).
MSG is commonly used as taste enhancer in packaged food as well as added pure by consumers when cooking. Actually, MSG is also naturally found in tomatoes, mushrooms, parmesan cheese, as well as in breast milk and the intake of glutamate from MSG is about 0.5-1.5g/day. All of our NESTLÉ MAGGI products fall well within this range.