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Nestlé Chaunsa Project


Mango has its own specific nutrition, value and taste among all fruits available in summer season in Pakistan. That’s why it is not only the national fruit of Pakistan but also the king of fruits. There is a growing demand for mango pulp, not just locally but worldwide for drinks and juices, especially Pakistan’s Chaunsa variety.

In Pakistan, most mango orchards are owned by small growers who do not possess adequate knowledge of modern techniques for cutting, pruning, insecticides and fertilizer application, and management practices.

The Nestlé Chaunsa Project aims to improve the livelihood of farmers within the Chaunsa mango value chain by strategic CSV intervention through implementation and replication of Best Farm Practices, resulting in right quality pulp and improved pre and post harvest. The project addresses limited access and opportunities for mango farmers’ integration into our business value chain.

The results of our endeavors have been quite fruitful, as the partner farms have shown considerable improvement both in quality and quantity of Chaunsa mangoes due to the implementation of these best farm practices.

Juices constitute one of the growth areas of our company, and intervention within its highest volume variant would allow for Creating Shared Value. NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS is the flagship brand within the Nestlé beverages range, made from highest quality fruits sourced from around the world. Our mission is to provide our consumers with delicious and healthy refreshment. We use the best variant of Chaunsa mango as pulp raw material for our premium quality Nestlé Chaunsa juices.

Since the past five years, we have been procuring good quality Chaunsa mangoes for pulp to be used for our premium juices from these farmers. It is our commitment to continue the project in the coming years to enhance the quality of the Chaunsa mango in Pakistan, thereby uplifting the socioeconomic conditions of small and medium mango farmers in the country.

Our Partners

Nestle Fruita Vitals

In Commitment with
