Pakistan’s arable land and suitable climate makes it conducive for farming. When it comes to fruit farming, mango is the second most cultivated fruit in the country. Like crop farming, the techniques used in mango cultivation in Pakistan are archaic and this has led to our production of mangoes falling in the export market. Most mango orchards are owned by small growers who lack adequate knowledge and facilities to use modern techniques for cutting, pruning, sanitation, insecticides and fertilizer application and management practices.
Nestlé Chaunsa Project is working with small and medium sized local farmers in Pakistan, in partnership with Mango Research Institute (MRI), to improve the livelihood of the farmers while also promoting a farming system that aims to conserve – and in the long run restore – the farmland’s natural resources: water, soil health and biodiversity.
Together with MRI, we are equipping farmers with the skills to improve the quality of mango varieties. We have also supported the development of high-density Mango Orchard at Mango Research Institute which will serve as light house for other Mango farmers to follow this practice for better yield and sustainability. In addition to better quality and yield, we are also encouraging farmers to help save water through drip irrigation and the use of smart soil sensors.
“In 2015, Nestlé and MRI partnered together and took 35 mango farmers under our direction. Nestlé supports these mango farmers and provides them with trainings to improve the quality and increase the yield of their Chaunsa mangoes.”
Abdul Ghaffar Grewal,
Director Mango Research Institute (MRI)
The ultimate objective of the Chaunsa Project is to develop mango growers as successful agripreneurs. The results of our endeavors have been quite fruitful, and this highlighted by Rana Muhammad Akbar, a mango Farmer: ‘We used to send our mangoes to the local market but we experienced difficulties when it came to payments from vendors. But now we are supplying our Chaunsa mangoes to Nestlé and we receive the payments on time.’

We procure the best variant of mangoes from local orchards in Pakistan for our NESTLÉ FRUITA VITALS and NESFRUTA mango juices range. Since 2018, we have increased the volume of mangoes we procure from local Chaunsa growers. The small farmers now have better access to markets where they could sell their mangoes at competitive prices. The success of our Chaunsa Project is a source of encouragement for many other farmers to become a part of the program.
Nestlé Chaunsa Project is part of our efforts to co -create a resilient future for our planet and its people, working to nurture communities, to improve the livelihoods of our partners and the wellbeing of our consumers, and to revitalize natural ecosystems. The project is in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, Decent Work and Economic Growth and Goal 17, Partnerships for the goals.