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Environmental Sustainability


Respect for future generation

One of Nestlé Pakistan’s key priorities is to reduce the number of greenhouse gas emissions. By 2025, our ambition is to reduce 20% of greenhouse emissions as compared to 2018. Water conservation, energy optimization, controlling greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in waste at source, reduction in packaging material and proper disposal of waste are the key environmental indicators for any manufacturing facility. Nestlé takes care of these indicators in its operations and is committed to improve its performance every year.

In 2023, we invested our time and efforts in identifying opportunities for energy optimization by leveraging renewable energy sources across operations (including Manufacturing Units, Packaging and Agri Services). Despite various challenges, we successfully executed several projects and saved above 80,000 tCO2e greenhouse gas emissions with those initiatives.

Water savings for 2023 are 56,000 m3 across our manufacturing units. This water saving is based on initiatives taken under Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard.

We make sure that waste generated from our sites is managed in accordance with the principles of recycling, reusing, and reducing.

In support of our global sustainability goals, we have implemented initiatives aimed at reducing and recycling plastic waste generated from our production sites.

In 2023, Nestlé Pakistan successfully planted a total of 38,000 indigenous trees in the vicinity of our operational sites


In Commitment with