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Buzz on Coffee

Buzz on coffee
Coffee has as many moods as it does flavours. For many, it is what gets the day started, a direct shot of robust alertness. A cup of coffee at breakfast with a newspaper, or a shout out for coffee as you set foot in the office. That is the stimulating and wake-me-up side to coffee. It is what puts the kick in your cup and your day! Coffee is the sociable, happening beverage, the IT beverage. A chance for friends meeting up to unwind cut loose and have fun. We’re not quite done yet. This is just the social side to coffee. In fact, coffee actually offers many health benefits that most of us have not heard of.

JAAGO yaar! Wake-up man!
Scientific studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee not only increases your level of alertness when you are tired or jetlagged, it also helps increase endurance and reduces the sensation of fatigue. Just a little bit of caffeine, about 90mg (equivalent to about one small cup of coffee) will help improve exercise performance without unwanted side effects. You will even feel less fatigued!

Get started!
It's the day before the exam and the words in your textbook are starting to run into each other. Well, there is good news for students: it is not just your body that revs up with a cup or two, coffee also helps improve your alertness and short-term memory. Coffee is great for helping you concentrate on boring material since the energy boost will help you make the best of it. You can process information more easily, and get focussed on your main task. However drinking more will result in over-stimulation that may impair learning and attention, so do not over indulge. So if your concentration starts fading, take a coffee break. Just make sure it is not the night before the big exam: you will need your sleep!

Thumbs up for coffee!
Latest scientific evidence indicates that in moderation (2-4 cups a day), coffee not only does not harm your health; it may even be good for you!

Studies have shown that coffee may help in:
  • Protecting against Parkinson's disease
  • Help your liver function better

What's more, research has shown that coffee has significantly more antioxidant activity than cocoa, green tea, black tea or herbal teas. And antioxidants are proven to reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart disease and the effects of aging, besides reinforcing the effectiveness of our immune system.