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Nestlé Healthy Kids signs MoU with Punjab Education Foundation

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Nestlé, the world’s leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Punjab Education Foundation (PEF), to enhance the knowledge of schoolchildren about nutrition and health and to promote physical activity, under the Nestlé Healthy Kids (NHK) program.

The Nestlé Healthy Kids program is Nestlé’s global initiative which aims to better inform schoolchildren and teachers about nutrition and health. NHK is a curriculum-based programme, comprising two books, which provide the necessary knowledge on nutrition. It has so far reached 70,000 children in suburban and urban areas across the country in collaboration with CARE Foundation, Silver Oaks and the Trust for Education and Development of Deserving Students (TEDDS). Nestle has recently signed a MoU with Peshawar Model School in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to extend its outreach.

Due to dietary deficiencies and poor health, Pakistan is one of the three countries in the world that still has malnourished children.

Waqar Ahmad, Head of Corporate Affairs, Nestlé Pakistan, says, "It is through the concept of Creating Shared Value that Nestlé aims to make an important contribution to society. Nutrition is a key driver of Nestlé's objectives. We fully recognize the importance of good health. The objective of the NHK Programme is that the teachers, mothers and children learn more about nutrition-rich diets and healthier lifestyles."

Deputy Managing Director, Punjab Education Foundation, Salman Anwar Malik, has welcomed the signing of the important MoU and has said, "This bilateral cooperation would ensure creating emphatic awareness among students through teachers orientation sessions. The program demonstrates our strong commitment towards wellbeing of students enrolled in PEF sponsored schools and partnership with Nestlé Healthy Kids Programme would further reinvigorate our efforts for providing a healthy atmosphere to the students."


About Nestlé Pakistan

Nestlé Pakistan is the leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company in Pakistan; meeting and exceeding all the international standards in manufacturing of their products. Nestlé Pakistan believes in creating shared value for the communities in which it operates with a focus on Nutrition, Water, Environmental Sustainability, Rural Development, and its People. Nestlé Pakistan works with more than 190,000 farmers for collecting milk and engages in a number of rural development programmes for community development.

About Punjab Education Foundation

Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) was established in 1991 through an Act of Punjab Assembly with the vision to promote quality education through Public Private Partnership, encourage and support the efforts of private sector through technical and financial assistance, innovate and develop new instruments to champion wider educational opportunities at affordable cost to the poor. PEF is present in all the 36 Districts in Punjab and reaching out to 1.3 million children, half of which is girls.

For more information, please contact:

Zeeshan Suhail
Public Affairs Manager, Nestlé Pakistan
Tel #: 042-35988138
Email:  [email protected]
    Farah Asim
Account Director
Tel #: 0345-2022060
Email:  [email protected]

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