The International Day of Rural Women will be observed around the world under the auspices of the United Nations on 15 October 2013. The Day honours the role of rural women and recognizes their immense contribution to their communities. Nestlé Pakistan is committed to supporting and promoting the development of rural women in Pakistan.
Whether it is increasing women’s access to micro credit in cocoa farms in Côte d’Ivoire or assisting women in rural Pakistan to expand their dairy operations, Nestlé is at the forefront of rural development initiatives which benefit women. The company firmly believes in the creation of shared value (CSV) for the societies it operates in, investing in sustainable development that empowers and enriches, and that speaks for itself.
These initiatives train women to become livestock workers and dairy entrepreneurs. Practical training is supplemented by official certification from the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. Medical kits, tools, credit facilities and follow-up trainings are provided to these women so they can become more productive members of their rural communities. To date, over 7,000 women in Pakistan have been trained to become livestock workers, and are presently providing extension and dairy management services to rural dairy farmers.
For many of these initiatives, the company has been assisted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Dairy & Rural Development Foundation (DRDF).
Nestlé’s policy of CSV reflects its goal to enhance the quality of life for all the communities it works in. As a company, we are convinced that in order to be successful in the long term, we have to create value for our shareholders as well as for society. At Nestlé, we have analysed our value chain and determined that the areas of greatest potential to create shared value are Nutrition, Water and Rural Development. These activities are core to our business and vital to the welfare of the Pakistani people.
About Nestlé Pakistan
Nestlé Pakistan is the leading NHW Company in Pakistan; meeting and exceeding all the international standards in manufacturing of their products. Nestlé Pakistan believes in creating shared value for the communities in which it operates with the focus being on Nutrition, Water and Rural Development. Nestlé Pakistan works with more than 190,000 farmers for collecting milk and engages in a number of rural development programs for community development.
For further information, please contact:
Aatekah Mir-Khan | |
Corporate Media Relations Manager, Nestlé Pakistan | |
Phone: 042-35988119 | |
Email: [email protected] |
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