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Nestlé Pakistan and LUMS unveil agribusiness program

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Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), in collaboration with Nestlé Pakistan, is launching an Executive Certificate programme aimed at creating a cadre of competent and skilled professionals in the agribusiness sector. Nestlé Pakistan is committed to supporting and promoting the development of competent agribusiness professionals as part of its Creating Shared Value (CSV) initiatives. The Executive Certificate in Agribusiness Management (ECAM) is built around a series of short duration modules covering key disciplines of management with contextual relevance for agribusiness and the challenges currently facing the sector

“As a predominantly agricultural country, Pakistan needs to develop a class of professionals educated and trained in the relevant disciplines,” said Nestlé Pakistan’s Managing Director, Mr. Magdi Batato. “The ECAM gives them the opportunity to do so and we at Nestlé Pakistan are proud to be leading the initiative in collaboration with LUMS.”

The ECAM program underscores the importance of the agriculture sector to the health of the economy. Agriculture contributes 21% of GDP and employs 44% of the workforce. The sector is pivotal to robust economic growth, development and alleviation of poverty. Nestlé and LUMS both recognize the role of the agriculture sector in Pakistan’s economy and how trained professionals will keep the country competitive with other leading agricultural economies around the world.

“Our focus in ECAM has been to design a well rounded programme directed at developing managerial expertise in the agriculture sector to enhance productivity of our lands,” stated Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Vice Chancellor, LUMS. He further added that “the programme addresses a wide spectrum of challenges on input, production, processing/manufacturing and marketing and distribution with relevance to the economic and political environment in South Asia.”

The one-year Executive Certificate in Agribusiness Management curriculum includes courses on agri-economics, entrepreneurship, value chain and technology, finance and accounting among others, to equip participants with leading edge managerial skills and expertise. Participants of the programme will gain a deeper understanding of the agribusiness sector and identify the opportunities that can be maximized to create value for their businesses and organizations. The Certificate programme commences on 17 January 2014.

About Nestlé Pakistan
Nestlé Pakistan is the leading NHW Company in Pakistan; meeting and exceeding all the international standards in manufacturing of their products. Nestlé Pakistan believes in creating shared value for the communities in which it operates with the focus being on Nutrition, Water and Rural Development. Nestlé Pakistan works with more than 190,000 farmers for collecting milk and engages in a number of rural development programs for community development.

For further information, please contact:
Aatekah Mir-Khan  
Corporate Media Relations Manager, Nestlé Pakistan  
Phone: 042-35988119   
Email:  [email protected]  

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