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Safe food for better health: Nestlé Pakistan, PCSIR, Punjab University commemorate World Food Safety Day

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LAHORE: In order to raise awareness regarding food safety, Nestlé Pakistan in collaboration with Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) and Punjab University celebrated World Food Safety Day along this year’s theme ‘safe food, better health’.

Shoaib Khan Jadoon, DG Punjab Food Authority (PFA) said, “PFA lays great emphasis on food safety, and we continuously work with the industry to promote the culture of food safety, by preventing adulteration and ensuring high nutrient quality in every possible way.”

Dr. Quratulain Syed D.G Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR) said,”Food standards help to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in trade. Science based food standards are the foundation of food safety.”

Samreen Sahar, Head of Quality, Nestle Pakistan said while addressing the participants said, “Safe food is the key towards a healthy life. The actions taken today to ensure safe food for a healthy tomorrow will lay down the foundation of a healthy future.”

Highlighting, Nestlé’s purpose, she said, “Our purpose is to unlock the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come, when we achieve this, we become a force for good.”

Dr. Shinawar Waseem Chairman Department of Food Science shared that the world food safety day helps us to prevent and detect the diseases caused by unsafe food. He emphased that food safety is the shared responsibility.

The event brought to light the importance of food safety regulation and implementation in Pakistan for the health of consumers and featured speaker sessions by Dr. Tanveer Ibrahim, Chief Nutritionist at National Institute of Health (NIH), Dr. Imran Pasha D.G National Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFSAT), Mr. Zuzzer Ali Shamsuddin Chairman National Standard Committee (NSC) PSQCA, among others.

For further information, please contact:
Muhammad Rahat Hussain
Corporate Manager Public Affairs & Media Relations
Nestlé Pakistan
[email protected]

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