For Nestlé, the quality and safety of our products is paramount. In addition to daily tests that we conduct internally, NESTLÉ PURE LIFE is regularly tested, on quarterly basis, for the past many years by Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), and Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). PSQCA last conducted a quality check on May 24, 2018 while PCRWR last released its second quarter report (April to June 2018). Our brand has always passed the above quality screenings satisfactorily. PCRWR reports are available for public review on the internet
On special instructions, Punjab Food Authority (PFA) and Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR), also checked our bottled water in August and September 2018. In all these analyses, our bottled water was found safe for consumption and met all quality parameters as determined in local laws.