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Zainab Waheed

Name of Participant: Zainab Waheed
Age: 15 years old
Name of School: Convent Of Jesus and Mary, Lahore


Essay Topic:

Poor Hygiene May Invite Many Diseases


Amidst Pakistan’s internal conflicts, the crucial question of sanitation and hygiene has been turned a blind eye to. In Pakistan, an estimated 70% of households drink bacterially contaminated water which results in almost 53,000 children under five dying annually from diarrhoea. The status quo makes poor hygiene a major public health problem. Substandard hygiene may result in various ailments that include, but are not limited to, food poisoning, gastroenteritis, diarrhoea, skin infections and hepatitis A. “Escherichia coli” infection is caused by consumption of contaminated, undercooked dietary. Spread of “Cryptosporidium infection” might result from remnant faecal matter on hands.

Many such diseases can be prevented easily with vigilance and education. Hands ought to be washed thoroughly before and after handling of food, and after using toilet. These measures can single-handedly prevent all such maladies without taxing efforts. Special heed must be paid to boiling water, or filtering it, and cooking meals long enough.

To eliminate the prevalent unhygienic conditions, there ought to be a mechanism ensuring access of water and sanitizers to the entire community by transporting these essentials to areas where they aren’t available. I was incredibly impressed by Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, who announced free provision of sanitary products for girls in schools. In schools, there should be frequent emphasis placed on the importance of washing hands and not leaving food unattended lest it attracts insects and rats, spreading infections. Recommended durations of boiling and cooking can be taught; youth must be trained to carry with it cleanliness habits.

Strengthening one’s immunity against inflictions can be done ideally through the intake of a nutrient rich diet. Citrus fruits contribute to robust gastrointestinal functioning in case of diarrhoea, and soothe inflammation in aforementioned skin infections. Bodies must be kept sufficiently hydrated. Colds and flus are cured by protein rich soups which help recover the lost weight.

This hazardous issue of inept hygiene can be fixed should everyone commit themselves to solving it. Therefore, it’s a collective responsibility of all citizens to strive towards a healthier Pakistan.

(Word count – 338)