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Fareeha Salman

Name of Participant: Fareeha Salman
Age: 12 years old
Name of School: Lahore Grammar School 30 Main Gulberg


Essay Topic:

Significance of an Immune System

“Department throat is under attack by virus sore throat and flu! Any plans, Advisors?” I was panicking. “What do you say, Advisor Antibiotic?”

“I wouldn’t suggest you use me just yet. It isn’t a good idea to take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription.”

“Hmm… I agree. I think we should alert the immune system. Send a message to the immunity community immediately!” I ordered. As the advisors ushered out of the room, I started working on a backup plan, you know, it’s best to plan ahead of time. The backup plan consisted of exercise, washing hands and a lot of rest.

I sent a message to the head of the Immunity Community to keep me updated. After what seemed like endless waiting, I finally got the message saying that the immune system was still not strong enough and it is time we call in the Antibiotics. I was still hesitant about calling for the Antibiotic, so I refused. I racked my brains and suddenly realised that the answer was staring at us in the face.

I gathered the advisors again “One of you quickly order a supply of fruits rich in vitamins C, B and E.” I said “Next get another big supply of any type of green teas and ginger teas, though do try to snag the healthier ones. Also get the body hydrated well. Make sure the body gets lots of rest.” The advisors rushed out to get their jobs done.

The answer was healthy foods! These viruses were an old enemy of ours, so we were aware of many of their weaknesses it was all about planning carefully and taking advantage of prior knowledge.

In the end we were able to fight the virus off, but we could have done better. If we had not left everything for last second, we could have easily defeated the virus. It’s just that this year we barely focused in the immune system. Our focus was to keep the stomach society healthy. If we had focused on keeping our Immune system healthy, we could have been better off.

(Word count – 347)