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Nestlé in Society: Creating Shared Value

"We believe we can make an important contribution to society, by going a step beyond corporate social responsibility to create value through our core business both for our shareholders and society. We prioritize the areas of nutrition, water and rural development to create shared value; this requires long term thinking..."

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman, Nestlé

"Creating Shared Value is built upon fundamental commitments to society, both to achieve the highest standards of compliance with laws, codes of conduct and our own Nestlé Corporate Business Principles as well as to protect the environment for future generations."

Paul Bulcke, CEO, Nestlé

To continue to prosper over the long-term, we need to ensure that the communities we serve and in which we operate to prosper too. We are determined to ensure that our global presence and operations bring benefits to our shareholders, as well as our people, the environment and society at large. Therefore, beyond complying with national laws, international standards and our own Nestlé Corporate Business Principles; we are operating in ways that help protect the environment for future generations. Thus, our commitments to sustainability and compliance form the foundations upon which we build our actions to Create Shared Value in our focus areas of nutrition, water and rural development.

To better reflect this reality, we have titled our 2012 report “Nestlé in Society: Creating Shared Value and Meeting our Commitments". Our reporting comprises a comprehensive online report, which can also be downloaded as a PDF (pdf, 5 Mb), and a printed, summary report (pdf, 3 Mb), which this year focuses on the Creating Shared Value focus area of nutrition. This summary report is issued to shareholders along with the Nestlé Management Report.

Our aim is to report transparently and openly on issues of concern and interest to our stakeholders against each of the three segments of the CSV Pyramid. Our reporting is guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 3.1 guidelines and our detailed Materiality assessment. We also have a number of Nestlé-specific indicators that we have reported on for a number of years. New for this year, we also included a detailed table of commitments to make it easier to track our progress in future years.