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Nestlé – DRDF Dairy Project
Nestlé, through its support to Dairy and Rural Development Foundation (DRDF), is committed to provide best possible support and guidance for rural dairy farming communities in Pakistan. To ensure capacity building and socio-economic growth at both household and community level, DRDF through its Dairy Project, is focused on promoting skill development, livestock business promotion, economic growth and rural women empowerment through livestock extension services programmes. As a part of its efforts towards ensuring corporate social responsibility and Creating Shared Value (CSV), Nestlé believes that trainings and demonstrations of best practices will ultimately alleviate poverty and enable trained farmers to contribute towards dairy industry’s demand for quality milk. Furthermore, Nestlé aims to increase incomes, profitable business yields and ensure better quality of life for all those associated with the rural dairy farming sector.
Results and objectives
During the last three years DRDF-Dairy Project, through Nestlé Pakistan’s support in the form of experts and kind, achieved the following results:
- Up-graded 3 local farms and further aims to upgrade 97 local farms to model dairy farms on 50% cost share basis, which will serve as training and service hubs for small dairy holders.
- After successfully installing a 50 cubic meter Bio-Gas plant for milk chilling unit, the project aims to run 10 existing tube wells on bio gas with farm produced manure. The bio gas slurry produced is bio-degradable and a natural fertiliser for crops. This will improve the fertility of land as an additional benefit for farmers.
- Over 9,000 farmers and 418 farm managers are trained thorough different training programmes and the Dairy Project further aims to train 40,000 farmers in the next two years.
- To date, over 2,000 Artificial Insemination Technicians (AITs) have been trained as independent entrepreneurs and they are now providing breed improvement services to farmers in around 20,000 villages across Pakistan, with an average income of PKR 7,027/- ($70 approx.). Another 1,000 AITs will be trained in the near future. These 3,000 trained AITs will help boost improved breeding patterns in Pakistan.
- Over 5,000 women have been trained in basic animal husbandry and livestock management to provide extension services in more than 3,000 villages with an estimated earning of PKR 1,524/- ($15) per month. In the coming year, 1,000 trained WLEWs will be provided refresher/advance training, while 1,000 unemployed, educated rural women will be provided new training on basic animal healthcare and livestock management.
- Dairy Project’s print and electronic media campaigns have not only promoted the usage of best dairy farming practices among around two million dairy households spread over 20,000 villages across Pakistan, but are also creating awareness amongst Pakistan’s general public which includes government institutions, universities and other stakeholders. The project further aims to reach out approximately one million dairy farmers across 10,000 villages of Punjab.
- Dairy Project is focused on organising all the project trained beneficiaries in clusters to work jointly as a part of Supply Chain Network. This will ultimately reduce their input cost and will improve output price.
During its extension phase (2014-2016), Dairy Project plans to expand the selection process of its beneficiaries, reaching out to extensive areas of districts Multan, Vehari, Lodhran, Muzaffargarh and Bahawalpur in South Punjab. Our new targets include training 2,000 Women Livestock Extension Workers (WLEWs), 1,000 Artificial Insemination Technicians (AITs), 37,900 Farmers and implementing farm up-gradation for 97 farms. These up-graded farms will further serve as training and service hubs for project-trained AITs, WLEWs and farmers at village levels, where they can link with dairy input suppliers, milk collectors, processors, animal buyers and sellers.