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NESTLÉ CERELAC – Together, Passionately Nourishing Babies to Blossom
With its long history in Pakistan, NESTLÉ CERELAC is now with its second generation of users and is a household name, trusted by mothers and endorsed by doctors.

Introduced in Pakistan in 1992, positioned as the “First step to solid food”, after 6 months of age it has over time, come to be perceived as the trusted partner of the Pakistani mother. With the passage of time the brand has garnered trust and established brand love amongst mothers. The brand has found strength in communicating the functional relevance in babies’ lives driven through the importance of fortified cereals in supporting the physical & cognitive development.

Each stage of a baby’s growth is different and their nutritional needs evolve as they grow. Accordingly, NESTLÉ CERELAC portfolio is grouped into stages based on the age of the baby, providing the appropriate nutrition as per the changing nutritional needs of a growing child.

cerelac 6 months
cerelac 8 months
NESTLÉ CERELAC recipes are prepared with Rice or wheat with added fruits to introduce new tastes & textures while helping the baby learn to chew. All our recipes are fortified with iron that helps in cognitive development of babies from 6 months onwards, along with their healthy physical growth. Today we serve over half a billion of affordable & fortified iron rich bowls of this best in class weaning food every year. Moreover, a variety of NESTLÉ CERELAC raw materials are grown locally, hence helping to develop local farmers to international standards while improving their standard of livelihood.
In 2020, to ensure we remain relevant to the evolving needs of millennial mothers, we launched our break through innovation of CERELAC Nature’s Selection, a new range that brings nutritious grains like oats & quinoa to the CERELAC portfolio along with exotic fruits like pomegranate & dates, for the first time. These new introductions, along with our parent range trusted for generations, help to keep the CERELAC brand true to its purpose of “Together, passionately nourishing babies to blossom”.
cerelac 12 months


“World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for first six months of age, followed by introduction of adequate nutritious complimentary foods along with sustained breastfeeding up to two years of age and beyond. We support WHO recommendation.”