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Health and Nutrition


How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one glass of MILKPAK fulfill?
A 250ml glass of MILKPAK provides 25% of the calcium required daily by an adult.

Can children who are calcium deficient consume MILKPAK?
In case of an identified calcium deficiency, please consult your doctor.
To prevent calcium deficiency, growing children must have at least 3 servings of milk and dairy products every day.


What is the percentage of fat in MILKPAK Cream?

If I am diabetic, can I consume MILKPAK Cream?
Since cream is a high energy product, diabetic patients should consult their doctor before consumption.

Should I consume MILKPAK Cream if I am weight conscious?
People watching their weight can use cream but only in small portions. Consult your doctor for best advice.


Does NESVITA cure Osteoporosis?
No, NESVITA milk is not a medicine. It does not cure osteoporosis, but can prevent its onset. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones start losing calcium due to lack of calcium in regular diet. Regular use of NESVITA can conserve the calcium already present in bones and prevent further loss by providing sufficient calcium that the body requires daily.

NESVITA’s CALCILOCK formula is a unique combination of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D to help absorb and lock calcium in your bones to make them strong.

NESVITA is high in calcium; can children have this milk too as it is mentioned on the pack says that it is good for bones?
NESVITA is high calcium low fat milk for young adults who want to keep their bones strong with a regular intake of calcium while watching their calorie intake.

Children should have 2-3 glasses of full cream milk as well as dairy products like cheese and yoghurt as part of their everyday diet.

If I'm a heart patient, can I consume NESVITA, as it is low in fat?
Please consult your doctor.

How much of the daily calcium requirement is fulfilled with one glass of NESVITA?
One glass of NESVITA 250ml fulfills 32% of the daily calcium requirement of an adult.

Even though NESVITA claims to be high calcium, it's regular use is weakening my bones. Why?
Please consult your doctor. NESVITA cannot be the reason for this condition.

Is NESVITA only recommended for weight conscious people, as it is low in fat?

NESVITA is high calcium low fat milk for young adults who want to keep their bones strong with a regular intake of calcium while watching their calorie intake. It can be consumed by anyone who wants to remain fit and make his/her bones strong as part of their daily diet.

Can children who are calcium deficient consume NESVITA?
In case of calcium deficiency in children, please consult your doctor.

What is the nutritional value of NESVITA?
NESVITA is high calcium low fat milk, which helps maintain strong bones. The complete nutritional value of the product is given on the back of pack.

If I'm obese, can I consume NESVITA for the purpose of losing weight? 
Yes, NESVITA is ideal milk for people who are watching their calorie intake as it is low in fat. Besides drinking as is, you can use NESVITA in tea or dessert making to avoid higher milk fat.

What does CALCI-LOCK mean?


CALCILOCK in NESVITA is a unique combination of Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D in the perfect ratio that supports absorption of these essential minerals for bone strength. Vitamin D is essential to absorb and lock the calcium in your bones.

Is NESVITA skimmed milk?
NO, NESVITA is not skimmed milk, it is a low fat milk containing less than 1% fat.

What is the sugar content level in NESVITA?
NESVITA does not have any added sugar in it.

NESTLÉ EVERYDAY (tea whitener)

If I'm diabetic can I consume EVERYDAY? Does it have added sugar?
YES, sugar is added in EVERYDAY in an optimum amount but diabetic should consult their doctor before consuming EVERYDAY.


Can diabetic children consume NIDO FORTIGROW?
NIDO FORTIGROW is fortified milk for growing children, between 5- 12 years of age. Please consult your doctor before giving NIDO FORTIGROW to a diabetic child

Which type of minerals is added in NIDO FORTIGROW?
Calcium, iron and zinc are the minerals, which are added in NIDO FORTIGROW to help your child in better growth


The term probiotic is mentioned at the pack NIDO 1+ and NIDO 3+, what does it mean?
Probiotics are healthy bacteria, which help maintain a healthy digestive system.

Why is age limits defined on every NIDO? If I do not fall within these age groups, can I still consume it? 
NIDO products range is designed keeping in mind the age specific nutritional requirements and life stage of growing children.

NIDO 1+: is the growing up milk that has been designed for children 1-3 years old, when they start walking and exploring the world on their own. It has a combination of prebiotics and probiotics which can boost your child’s body defense by keeping their tummy healthy. Please consult with your doctor before giving NIDO 1+ to your child.

NIDO 3+; is the growing up milk for children 3-5 years old, when they are starting school and learning abilities peak. It has a unique blend of fibers for digestion, and nutrients that contribute to the child’s health and mental development.

NIDO FORTIGROW; is for children 5 years and above, is a full cream milk fortified with 24 essential vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in the proper growth and development of the body. Together with the high quality proteins of milk, it ensures good nourishment for growing children.



What age group is BUNYAD suitable for?
BUNYAD is formulated for children aged 5 – 12 years. Please note that BUNYAD is not a breast milk substitute and therefore not to be given to children less than 12 months of age.

How many glasses of BUNYAD would help my child obtain sufficient iron?
2 glasses daily help fulfil 60% of a child’s Guideline Daily Amounts.


What are the benefits of Acti-Plus YOGURT?
It is the only YOGURT that contains the combination of fiber and probiotics.
Combination of Live Cultures and fiber that helps maintain a healthy digestive system. So you can be in tip top condition to take on the challenges of the day.

If I am a patient of renal disease, can I safely consume YOGURTS?
Please consult your doctor in case of renal disease.

What are MAGGI Noodles made of?
MAGGI Noodles are made with Wheat Flour (80%), refined oil (14-15%), minerals, salts and spices (2-3%) and moisture (4-6 %).

How do you respond to the claims that the Noodles have side effects on women?
Maggi noodles have no side effects on women of any age. If eaten in accordance with dietary and nutritional guidelines, Maggi can be a healthy snack.

Are MAGGI Noodles safe to eat?
Yes, MAGGI Noodles are absolutely safe to consume. NESTLÉ deeply cares for its consumers and their health and we do not compromise on quality at any cost. Our first and foremost priority is to delight you with our products with safe ingredients and consistent taste.

Can eating MAGGI Noodles cause high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and high cholesterol? How much salt (sodium) does MAGGI noodles have?
No illness has been reported after eating Maggi noodles, if eaten responsibly while keeping in mind the dietary guidelines mentioned on the packaging.

Salt is necessary for human health and life itself, and it must be consumed in a quantity sufficient to maintain a healthy life. Please consult your doctor If you have been advised a low salt diet by your health care practitioner.

Can I give it to my kids? 
Maggi is a healthy snack which contains wheat, iron and protein.  It can be made even healthier by adding vegetables and meat (chicken, minced meat and mutton).

Children need a balanced diet which includes fruits and vegetables, milk and milk products, meat and beans, proper hydration along with physical activities.

Is MAGGI noodles better than other noodles in the market?
MAGGI Noodles is the only Instant noodles brand in Pakistan that is fortified with protein and iron, aiming to contribute to the reduction of widespread Iron deficiency amongst children and women in Pakistan.

Do MAGGI NOODLES contain Wax? 
MAGGI Noodles does not contain any wax or wax related substance. All the ingredients are compliant to food safety and regulatory and are Halal.
NESTLÉ deeply cares for its consumers and their health. We do not compromise on quality at any cost. Our first and foremost priority is to delight you with our products and its experience at every consumption. For this we strive to deliver consistent quality and the best product every time. You can always contact NESTLÉ NAATA (0800-62282), in case of any complaint/query related to NESTLÉ products.

Yes all MAGGI noodles are halal certified by IFANCA (the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America), and their logo is on the back of the pack.

Does MAGGI NOODLES have extra added MSG? 
At NESTLÉ Pakistan, we are using MSG in our taste maker which is produced from vegetable source (mainly corn) and contains no traces of animal origin. Our MSG source is HALAL certified. MSG has been used for more than 100 years to season food. During this period, extensive studies were conducted to study the role, benefits and safety of MSG. At this point, international and national bodies for the safety of food additives consider MSG safe for human consumption as a flavour enhancer. You can always contact NESTLÉ NAATA (0800-62282), in case of any query related to NESTLÉ products. We are just a call away.

I am diet conscious, can I consume MAGGI Noodles?
Yes, one pack of MAGGI Noodles gives you 260 calories. To maintain healthy weight daily 30 minutes’ walk or any other physical activity is must.

If I am a diabetic patient, can I safely consume MAGGI Noodles?
We recommend that you consult your doctor.

Can I consume MAGGI Noodles safely on a regular basis?
Yes, you can have it once on daily basis.


I have kidney problems, is NESCAFÉ suitable for me?
Please consult your doctor

If I am a patient of blood pressure, would daily consumption of coffee affect my health?
There is no scientific substantiation that proves this.

What is the maximum amount of caffeine that can be safely consumed per day?
The amount of caffeine in the cup of coffee varies, ranging from 40-180mg per cup, depending upon origin or composition of the blend.
One cup of instant coffee (180ml cup), has 30-120mg caffeine in it.

Is caffeine useful for health?
Caffeine has a mild stimulating effect on the body which keeps you mentally and physically active.


PROTOMALT is a special malt extract, made from malted barley that provides the energy you need to take on the demands of the day.

What are the benefits of PROTOMALT in MILO?
Protomalt is a natural ingredient, and derived from malted ‘Jau’ (barley), which provides wholesome energy.

Can I drink MILO after a workout to get energy?
Yes, most definitely.
Is sugar added in FRUITA VITALS?
There is added sugar in FRUITA VITALS and it is mentioned on the pack as well. The Orange Juice has no added sugar.

What amount of sugar is added in FRUITA VITALS?
The natural fruit sugar and added sugar if any is mentioned on the pack nutritional table under carbohydrates.

If I am a diabetic patient, can I consume FRUITA VITALS?
Please consult your doctor before consuming FRUITA VITALS

Is the artificial flavor added to FRUITA VITALS safe to consume?
Yes. The flavor added to FRUITA VITALS is a high quality food graded flavor and safe to consume.

FRUITA VITALS claims to have “no preservatives” yet its ingredients mention ‘stabilizers’. What is the difference between them and is their addition in the product safe and healthy?
There is a difference between preservatives and stabilizers. According to Codex “Preservative” is a food additive, which prolongs the shelf-life of a food by protecting against deterioration, caused by microorganisms. “Stabilizer” is a food additive, which makes it possible to maintain a uniform dispersion of two or more components (that means stabilizer helps in maintaining physical form of food emulsions, colloidal and foam formations).

How do you produce FRUITA VITALS when fruit goes out of season? Are any chemicals added or is it prepared artificially?
There is no chemical used in the preservation of fruit pulp. It is just frozen.

What is the difference between NESFRUTA and FRUITA VITALS?
There is a difference in percentage of fruit content and quantity of added sugar. FRUITA VITALS have more fruit pulp than NESFRUTA juices.

Is this product safe to use as in tetra packaging?
It is completely safe to use because Tetra Packaging is a unique seven layer packaging that protects FRUITA VITALS from air, light, bacteria & all other environmental factors.

What does nectar mean?
Nectars contain 25-50% pure fruit juice with a little water and added sugar.

Is NESFRUTA a pure juice?
It is not a 100% pure juice, it has some fruit content with water and sugar added in it.

Why NESTLÉ orange juice tastes different than pure orange juice?
It is due to the processing of pasteurization of Orange Juice.


What is the difference between mineral water and bottled water?
Mineral water contains minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it therapeutic value. Mineral water must:
  • Originate from a natural, protected and specific underground source
  • Be bottled at source
  • Be microbiologically safe to drink without treatment.

Bottled water is purified drinking water which is bottled, and is neither spring water nor natural mineral water. It can come from a variety of sources like ground water wells.

Is NESTLÉ PURE LIFE safe for my baby?
NESTLÉ PURE LIFE plain water is safe for all family members including babies.

Is NESTLÉ PURE LIFE water suitable for me?
Doctors at times suggest stopping mineral water use to maintain blood pressure level.
NESTLÉ PURE LIFE is not a mineral water; it is in fact purified drinking water.

NESTLÉ Confectionary and Breakfast Cereals

What are Whole Grains?
Whole grains are simply the grains (or seeds) of various crops that include all the edible parts.
The various parts of the grain contain a whole range of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. When the grain is refined usually to create ‘white’ products like white flour and white rice, only the middle section is used. The outer and inner sections are separated.

What are the benefits of Whole Grain?
Whole Grains, when included in your everyday diet, can provide many nutrients that your body needs.
Complex Carbohydrates for Energy
Fiber for Better Digestion
Vitamins & minerals for Cell Protection
Research indicates that people who eat more whole grain tend to weigh less and are less likely to gain weight over time.

Are all NESTLÉ Breakfast Cereals made from Whole Grain?
Yes, all Breakfast Cereals are made from Whole Grain and contain essential vitamins and minerals.

If I am a diabetic patient, can I consume NESTLÉ CORNFLAKES?
Diabetic patients must consult their doctor for their allowed/ recommended diet.

What is the composition of NESTLÉ CORNFLAKES? Are they suitable an older age group?
Composition is written on the pack within the ingredient list. Yes older people can consume it if they want.

Can  NESTLÉ breakfast cereals be easily digested by an older age group?
breakfast cereals are designed to leverage the benefits of whole grain.  Whole grain helps in good digestion in all ages.


What are you doing to reduce salt in your products?
NESTLÉ has had a policy in place to reduce salt in our products since 2005.
Between 2005 and 2011, we reduced the salt used in our recipes by 12’500 tons.
We’ve committed to reducing sodium levels by an average of 10% between 2012 and 2015 focusing on foods that most contribute to dietary salt intake.
This decision was taken to help consumers achieve salt intakes corresponding to official international and national recommendations

What are you doing to reduce sugar in your products?
As part of our commitment to constantly improve the nutritional profile of our products, NESTLÉ has been reducing sugar in many products, especially children’s products, for years. Between 2000 and 2013 we reduced the amount of table sugar (a free sugar) in our products by 32%.
There is also more detail on how we do this in the NESTLÉ Policy on Sugars (pdf, 2 Mb).
Free sugars are defined by the WHO as “all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrup and fruit juices.” So for instance the sugar you would add to your tea, often called table sugar, is a free sugar.

What are you doing to reduce saturated fats in your products?
NESTLÉ has had a mandatory policy to monitor the level of saturated fat in all our food products, to not increase the level of certain saturated fatty acids above the current values, and to reduce levels wherever it is deemed necessary and feasible to do so since 2009. These reductions are ongoing.

What is NESTLÉ doing about obesity?
Obesity is a complex problem driven by multiple social, economic and environmental factors. If we are to tackle this major public health issue effectively we need a multi-sector response and we firmly believe industry has a vital role to play in this.
We were the first company to develop policies to reduce fat, sugar and salt in our products, and we continue to develop products that are both tastier and healthier.
We work to provide clear and information rich labeling and to restrict our marketing to children. We actively promote healthy lifestyles through education programs and communications. It is part of our policy, to work closely with national and international public health bodies to help reduce the incidence of obesity around the world.

Why does NESTLÉ support breastfeeding?
We believe that breastfeeding is best for babies and support the World Health Organization’s recommendation calling for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding along with the introduction of complementary foods as advised by a health care professional or health authority.
We include the wording ‘breastfeeding is best’ whenever and wherever possible and relevant, such as on infant formula packaging and in all communications. We also develop educational materials for health care professionals and parents on the benefits of breastfeeding. We also run campaigns and seminars on breastfeeding for the medical community in partnership with governments and medical institutions.

Still have a question? Please get in touch

Quality and Safety


Should I boil MILKPAK before consumption?
There is no need to boil MILKPAK, as it is a ready to use, UHT treated milk which makes it bacteria free.

What is meant by UHT processed milk?
UHT is an Ultra-High-Temperature treatment, which kills all germs and pathogens that may be present in milk. This germ free milk is then packed in Tetra Pak through a sterile process. UHT treatment and special packaging gives MILKPAK a longer shelf life than loose milk, as there is no bacterium to deteriorate the milk.

How is MILKPAK long-lasting if it has no added preservatives?
MILKPAK is UHT treated milk, a treatment which kills all bacteria present in loose milk and makes it germ fee. Milk is then aseptically packed in Tetra Packaging, a unique seven layer packaging that protects milk from air, light, bacteria and all other environmental factors.
The above steps give milk a longer shelf life, as the bacteria which deteriorates fresh milk over time has been removed and purified milk is protected in a protective packaging.

Is MILKPAK Pasteurized?
MILKPAK is UHT (Ultra High Temperature) treated milk, which kills all pathogens present in loose/fresh milk.


Do I need to boil NESVITA before consuming it?
NO, NESVITA is UHT treated milk, which does not need boiling before consumption. It is ready to drink.


How is NIDO FORTIGROW better than other milk for children?
NIDO FORTIGROW is full cream milk fortified with 24 essential vitamins and minerals that play a vital role in the proper growth and development of the body. Together with the high quality proteins of milk, it ensures good nourishment for growing children.


Is NPL water already filtered? What is the purification procedure in this regard?
The treatment and filtration steps involved in the purification of PURE LIFE include: pre-treatment (filtration), Reverse Osmosis, Re Mineralization and Ozonation.

Within how many days should I consume NPL HOD?
Preferably within one week in a controlled environment.

Within how much time should I consume the PET bottle water, once opened?
Once opened the PET bottle should be consumed preferably on the same day.

How do you clean your bottles before refilling?
Bulk (5G) bottles’ cleaning process includes five steps:
First Rinsing,
Cleaning (cleaning chemicals suitable for food applications – from Ecolab Germany),
Disinfection (disinfectant suitable for food applications – from Ecolab Germany)
Final rinsing with NPL water.

I find the taste of NPL PET Bottle different from that of Bulk water? Is the process for PET and Jumbo bottles same?
The process is same for HOD and retail and there is no difference in product quality. Bulk water does not require long storage as it is consumed very fast and distributed to comparatively short distances while the PET water is distributed across the country. The distribution chain for PET bottles consist of warehousing, transportation, storage at distributor’s facility, transportation to sub-handlers / wholesalers, retailers and then consumers. During this chain, the product is exposed to various conditions, which could slightly affect the taste of the product. However this does not affect the quality of the product.

What Quality Certification / Standard NESTLÉ has (WHO / ISO) maintained?
NESTLÉ follows its own NESTLÉ Waters Quality System, which is more stringent than the WHO/PSQCA  (Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority). The standard set by NESTLÉ also covers the requirements of WHO / ISO / PSQCA. All the NESTLÉ manufacturing facilities are certified to ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) and ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System).

What is the lab from where NESTLÉ Water is tested regularly?
NESTLÉ Factories have their own labs where each lot produced is tested for extensive Chemical, Microbiology and Sensory analysis before product is released from the factory to be distributed in the market. Periodic samples are also sent to Product Technology Center, France for Chemical, Microbiological and Sensory analysis.

What kind of material is used to manufacture Jumbo Bottles and its seals?
A food grade material is used for manufacturing of bulk bottles. The bulk bottles are made of Poly Carbonate (PC). The caps are made of low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The resins and even colors used for the manufacturing of these bottles and caps are food grade. These have been thoroughly tested and approved by Product Technology Center, France.

Can I give NPL safely to my baby?
NPL plain is suitable for all family members including babies.


Is the quality of NESTLÉ products the same worldwide?
Quality and safety for our consumers is NESTLÉ's top priority. This applies to all products across the world, across all our products, from foods and beverages to all our systems and services.
To ensure the quality and safety of each and every product we have a Quality Management System. We use this globally to guarantee food safety and compliance with quality standards. Our internal Quality Management System is audited and verified by independent certification bodies to prove conformity to internal standards, ISO norms, laws and regulatory requirements.

What should I do if I hear about a product recall?
If you are looking for information about a product recall, we suggest you get in touch with NESTLÉ consumer services at +92 42 5988290

How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one serving of NESTLÉ YOGURT SWEET N TASTY fulfill?
A serving of 125g of NESTLÉ Yogurt Sweet N Tasty provides 14% of the calcium required daily by an adult.

How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one serving of NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS YOGURT fulfill?
A serving of 125g of NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt provides 14% of the calcium required daily by an adult.

How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one serving of NESTLÉ MILKPAK YOGURT fulfill?
A serving of 125g of NESTLÉ MILKPAK Yogurt provides 9% of the calcium required daily by an adult.

How much of the daily Calcium requirement does one serving of NESTLÉ RAITA fulfill?
A serving of 80g of NESTLÉ Raita provides 9% of the calcium required daily by an adult.

Can children who are calcium deficient consume NESTLÉ Yogurts?
In case of an identified calcium deficiency, please consult your doctor. To prevent calcium deficiency, growing children must have at least 3 servings of milk and dairy products every day.

What is the percentage of fat in NESTLÉ Yogurt Sweet N Tasty?

What is the percentage of fat in NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt?

What is the percentage of fat in NESTLÉ MILKPAK Yogurt?

What is the percentage of fat in NESTLÉ Raita?

If I am diabetic, can I consume NESTLÉ Yogurts?
Diabetic patients should always consult their doctor before consumption.

Should I consume NESTLÉ Yogurt Sweet N Tasty if I am weight conscious?
People watching their weight can use NESTLÉ Sweet N Tasty in recommended portion. Consult your doctor for best advice.

Should I consume NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt if I am weight conscious?
NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS is low fat yogurt along with the benefits of probiotics and fiber, hence it is recommended for weight conscious people. Please consult your doctor for best advice.

Should I consume NESTLÉ MILKPAK Yogurt if I am weight conscious?
NESTLÉ MILKPAK yogurt is a low fat product therefore it is recommended for weight conscious people. Please consult your doctor for best advice.

Should I consume NESTLÉ Raita if I am weight conscious?
People watching their weight can use NESTLÉ MILKPAK yogurt in recommended portion. Consult your doctor for best advice.

Does NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt cures constipation?
Regular consumption of NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS with adequate fiber and water intake coupled with regular 30 minutes daily walk will help prevent constipation..

If I'm a heart patient, can I consume NESTLÉ YOGURT, as it is low in fat?
Please consult your doctor.

Is NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt only recommended for weight conscious people, as it is low in fat?
No, it is a part of healthy lifestyle hence it is recommended for all healthy adults.

Is NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt only recommended for people with digestive issues?

Is NESTLÉ MILKPAK Yogurt only recommended for weight conscious people, as it is low in fat?
NESTLÉ MILKPAK Yogurt is recommended for all healthy adults.

What is the sugar content level in NESTLÉ Yogurt Sweet N Tasty?

The term probiotic is mentioned on the pack of NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt, what does it mean?
Probiotics are healthy bacteria, which help maintain a healthy digestive system.

What are the benefits of NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt?
NESTLÉ ACTIPLUS Yogurt contains combination of fibers and probiotics that help in keeping digestive system healthy. So you can be in tip top condition to take on the challenges of the day.

If I am a patient of renal disease, can I safely consume NESTLÉ Yogurts?
Please consult your doctor in case of renal disease.

If I am a diabetic patient, can I consume NESTLÉ Yogurts? 
Please consult your doctor.

NESTLÉ Yogurts claim to have ‘no preservatives’; yet its ingredients mention ‘stabilizers’. What is the difference between them and is their addition in the product safe and healthy?

There is a difference between preservatives and stabilizers.

 “Preservative” is a food additive, which prolongs the shelf-life of a food by protecting against deterioration, caused by microorganisms.

“Stabilizer” is a food additive that helps in maintaining physical form of the product.

How is NESTLÉ Yogurts long-lasting if they have no added preservatives?
The longer shelf of NESTLÉ is due to two things:

  1. Pasteurization is done to kill the pathogens that can cause deviation in the quality of the yogurt.
  2. Controlled fermentation or straining with non-pathogenic and contaminant free live cultures are done to avoid adulteration while maintaining the standard bacterial count.

For how long is it safe to store a pack of NESTLÉ Yogurt once it is opened?
It can be consumed within 4 days if refrigerated at 4o Celsius

Does NESTLÉ use bacteria for making yogurts? Aren’t bacteria harmful for health?
Yes. NESTLÉ is using yogurt making bacteria. These are not harmful for health but beneficial instead.

Do NESTLÉ Yogurts contain Gelatin?
Yes, NESTLÉ Yogurts contains gelatin which is obtained through HALAL manner and it is surely safe to consume. NESTLÉ Yogurts do not contain any substance that are harmful for human body.

What are the live cultures / bacteria used in making NESTLÉ Yogurts? Are they safe for consumption?
Live Cultures are Streptococcus Thermophiles & Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and they are absolutely safe to consume.

Are NESTLÉ Yogurts artificial yogurts?
No, NESTLÉ yogurts are not artificial