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Balanced Diet for Good Health

Balanced Life
A balanced diet and regular physical activity are the building blocks of good health. Poor eating habits and too little physical activity can lead to being overweight and bring along related health problems. By eating right and being active we can maintain a healthy lifestyle.A balanced diet and regular physical activity are the building blocks of good health. Poor eating habits and too little physical activity can lead to being overweight and bring along related health problems. By eating right and being active we can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here we will focus more on a healthy diet as what we eat largely affects our health. A balanced diet must contain all the macro and micro nutrients we need and in the right proportions. People generally take excess of macro nutrients and too little of micro nutrients to be healthy.

Macro nutrients include: Fats, Proteins, Carbohydrates and water, while micro nutrients include: Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements that we need in very small amounts. We get all the energy and calories from macro nutrients with the exception of water. Also Fats provide more than twice the calories compared to Protein and Carbohydrates!

We can not always keep track of exactly how much of each nutrient we need on a daily basis and it is even more difficult to remember which food gives us which nutrients. However, we can easily remember that we need to eat a variety of foods and practice moderation in our eating regimens to fulfill our nutritional requirements, as no one food can provide us all that we need to be healthy.

So as a rule of thumb remember… variety is the spice of life!

The power of choice, control and moderation is yours. What you need to do is find your balance!

Pyramid Scheme
Pyramid Scheme

If you have a balanced diet you can get all the nutrients your body needs, in the right proportions. To help you figure this out, scientists have developed a food pyramid, which will guide you in getting the right amounts of nutrients. Every day, you should have a variety of foods according to the number of servings listed in the pyramid. Follow the guide lines in the Food Pyramid and you get to know that it is important to choose from all food groups daily for a healthy balanced diet.

Count Your Calories

Do not eat more calories than you can use in a day. Every excess calorie you eat may turn into body fat. Instead, make sure your portion sizes fit your built and the amount of exercise you get. A small woman with a desk job should have far smaller portions than a professional footballer. Try to have low-fat foods so you get all the nutrients you need without excess fat.

For adults you can use the following guidelines to monitor the intake of calories from different macro nutrients.

Eating for Energy (% of calories from macro nutrients recommended in a daily diet)

Carbohydrates 50-60%, Proteins 10-15%, Fat ≤ 30%

Water, the fourth macro nutrient, does not provide energy, but helps control body temperature, transports nutrients to cells and waste products to kidney for excretion. Average daily requirement of a sedentary individual is approximately 2000 kcal, while a highly active person may require an average of 3500 kcal per day.

Average Calorie Count from: 1 gram of pure Fat is 9 kcal, 1 gram of pure Carbohydrate is 4 kcal, 1 gram of pure Protein is 4 kcal.

Not all Fats are Equal

Fat is an important nutrient and is essential to our health. It provides us energy, is important for our growth and maintenance, helps insulate body heat, it is essential for the absorption of Vitamin A, D, E and K, serves as a source of essential fatty acids, holds body organs in position and protects us against damage from physical shocks! With so much going for it, it will be very wrong to eliminate Fats from your diet. The nutrition principle to keep in mind is that there are no bad foods, only bad diets. Healthy eating comes from enjoying all things in moderation, as part of a balanced diet.

The different types of fats are: Saturated, Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated and Trans Fats.

Add foods to your diet that are high in Monounsaturated Fats, such as olive oil and canola oil. In moderation, Monounsaturated Fats help lower total blood cholesterol by lowering LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) without lowering HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) and help maintain a healthy heart.

Eat foods containing Polyunsaturated Fats found in corn oil, soybean oil, sunflower and seafood. Polyunsaturated Fats lower total cholesterol and LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) but also lower HDL (‘good’ cholesterol). However, it is still recommended for lowering total as well as bad cholesterol.

Avoid Trans Fats and Saturated Fats. These are implicated in raising total as well as LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol). In addition Trans Fats also decrease HDL (‘good’ cholesterol). To limit saturated fat, eat lean cuts of meat (i.e. chicken breasts instead of beef qeema), and choose low-fat dairy products. Avoid products made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils such as commercial baked products, shortenings and margarines, unless they are declared Trans Fats free. Try to avoid frying food, instead grill or poach.

Carb Right

Carbohydrates are what keep your body's motor running. They are the most important source of energy, especially during moderate to extensive physical activity. However, just as you would not put diesel in a petrol-run car, you have to be smart about which Carbs you eat.

Instead of eating foods with added sugar, try fruits, vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, okra, spinach, turnip etc and wholegrain cereals. These get digested slowly, releasing sugar slowly into your bloodstream, thus not bringing in dramatic changes in your blood glucose levels.

Fibre, a form of Carbohydrate from plants, not only helps your digestion, it also helps reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers.

Proteins for Better Growth and Development

Proteins form the body's main structural elements. Our body uses Proteins for growth and to build and repair bones, muscles, connective tissues, skin, internal organs and blood. Hormones, antibodies and the enzymes that regulate the body's chemical reactions are all made up of Proteins. Without the right Proteins, blood will not clot properly and cuts will not heal well. More so if Carbohydrates and Fats can not meet your energy needs, Proteins can be broken down and used as a source of emergent energy.

Proteins are found in a variety of foods, but meats and dairy products are amongst the most concentrated sources. Grains, legumes, and vegetables all contribute to protein in diet.

Fruits & Vegetables – variety of Taste and Nutrients!

Fruits and vegetables are brilliant choices: they are packed with Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre, and other nutrients and are naturally low in Fats and Calories. They are nothing but healthy and nutritious and thus essential components of a healthy, balanced diet. So eat a variety of fruits and vegetables and make your dinner plate colourful, while getting a variety of nutrients.

Diet Trivia

  • Avoid over-eating. Take moderate meal portions and eat just until you are full.
  • Cut back on the amount of fat you use in cooking.
  • Remove visible fat from all types of meat.
  • Use vegetable oils instead of ghee.
  • Use cooking methods that require little fat.
  • Avoid food and beverages high in added sugars. Sugar just provides us calories and contains no other nutrients.
  • Try using less sugar in your favourite recipes.
  • Decrease the amount of salt used in cooking and avoid adding salt at the table. Beware of amounts present in snacks and packaged foods. Too much salt is responsible for high blood pressure.
  • Increase fibre for digestive health. Eat whole grain breads, cereals and more raw fruits and vegetables
  • Include Calcium rich foods such as milk, yogurt and cheese to your diet. Try low fat varieties to get all the nutritional goodness with reduced fat content!
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

Do You Like to Move It?
Basic Rules
And finally, keep moving! Exercise is a must if you want to stay healthy. Children need at least an hour, while adults need thirty minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise, most days a week. If you keep fit it will help keep your weight down, your body in shape and you will feel and look much better