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Antioxidants: Your Body's Guardians

What are Antioxidants? Why do we need them?

Antioxidants are nutrients and certain compounds that help keep your body cells healthy to fight off infections. They are believed to play a role in prevention of certain chronic diseases like cancer, cataracts, stroke, heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Antioxidants come in many forms, and can be found in all kinds of fruits and vegetables in the form of Vitamins A (β - Carotene), C, E or Selenium and in green tea and coffee in the form of Flavonols and Polyphenols, respectively.

Radical Act

Our cells are always dying and being replaced. When a cell dies, it releases a damaged molecule called a free radical that steals nutrients from healthy cells, starving them to death. Antioxidants counteract the effect of free radicals, and keep them from damaging healthy cells.

Damage Control

As you approach 30, your body starts making more free radicals, which cause your cells to age prematurely. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and help stop the cellular damage.

Ready to Fight!

Antioxidants help strengthen your immune system, which defends your body against infections.

Eye Spy

Antioxidants help prevent damage to the cells controlling our vision. Antioxidants keep these cells healthy, and prevent them from damage due to age and nutrient deficiencies.