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Eating at School

Eating at School

When a child begins school or preschool, parents lose some control over what their child eats. School nutrition and canteen policy, teachers and friends can all have an impact on a child’s food choices. Parents can reinforce messages of healthy eating by giving their child healthy snacks and lunches.

Some techniques that can help steer your child to healthy food choices include:

  • Consult with your child before preparing their lunch.
  • Do not encourage your child to add unnecessary salt or sugar to foods or drinks.
  • Try to choose treats that also have some nutritional value, e.g. homemade plain popcorn rather than crisps, low fat yoghurt rather than high fat biscuits.
  • Do not reward children with treats as this will increase the desire for them.
  • Encourage children to regard exotic fruit like mangoes, strawberries or cherries as a treat.
  • Ask your child to help prepare some of their favorite foods for their own lunch.