The three-day festival will feature panel discussions with prominent people from the world of the arts and literature. There will also be book launches and book signings in addition to poetry recitals, musical performances and art shows. Apart from English, LLF will feature sessions in Urdu, Punjabi and Seraiki.
Waqar Ahmad, Head of Corporate Affairs at Nestlé Pakistan, said, “Literature is a means to opening minds and understanding the experiences of others. Pakistan has a rich culture and this reflects in our literature. We are excited to partner with the LLF, which is truly a commendable initiative to inspire interest in the arts. Our support is in line with Nestlé’s focus on wellness; physical and mental.”
Nusrat Jamil, president of the LLF 2015 Advisory Board, said, “"It is heartening to see that a company like Nestlé is stepping up to support literature. We hope that this partnership and support will continue in the long term. "
Nestlé Pakistan plans to continue its strategic partnership with the Lahore Literary Festival in the long run. The company will also be showcasing its Choose Wellness Choose Nestlé initiative at the festival, which is aimed at increasing the public's knowledge about the importance of making healthy choices. Participants go through some basic health tests and are advised about the changes they need to make in their lives to lead a healthier lifestyle.
The festival has been celebrating the best of Lahore’s rich cultural traditions for the past two years. This year again, LLF aspires to provide audiences with a stimulating array of ideas and intellectual inquiry. It is expected that over 100 personalities will participate in the festival from Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Palestine, U.S., U.K., Colombia and Australia. - End
About Nestlé Pakistan
Nestlé Pakistan is the leading NHW Company in Pakistan and believes in creating shared value for the communities in which it operates with a focus on Nutrition, Water and Rural Development. Nestlé Pakistan works with more than 190,000 dairy farmers and engages in a number of rural development programs for community development.
For further information, please contact:
Aatekah Mir-Khan, Corporate Media Relations Manager, Nestlé Pakistan
Phone: 042-35988119
Email: [email protected]