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Transforming Agriculture & Water in Pakistan

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Nestlé Pakistan has entered into a partnership with Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) to support the LUMS Centre of Water Informatics and Technology (WIT). The partnership will enable WIT students and staff to explore research ideas with Nestlé teams to pilot technological innovations in water sustainable management.

The purpose of this collaboration is to identify and prioritize opportunities and challenges for sustainable water management and to bring the government and non-government together for broadening and deepening cooperation for water sector agenda. Both organizations will also work closely together to build the public and private sectors’ knowledge and draw their attention to water related challenges.

Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Vice Chancellor LUMS said, “Nestlé and LUMS have an exemplary relationship to demonstrate academia-industry partnership in developing high-tech agri-business in Pakistan. Nestlé has supported LUMS in many areas including giving us the vital support needed to establish our center for water informatics and technology at our school of science & engineering."

Dr. Abubakr Muhammad, Director of WIT LUMS added, “WIT is proud to have Nestlé Pakistan as its first industry affiliate, which will serve as a model for transforming the agriculture, food and water industry in the country." WIT and Nestlé have collaborated on many initiatives, WIT associates have flown drones over Nestlé farms to generate moisture maps and introduced advanced robotics technologies to guide Nestlé milk trucks on road safety. Nestlé in turn has supported WIT’s research personnel and helped create public understanding on water issues.”

Waqar Ahmad, Head of Corporate Affairs, Nestlé Pakistan, said,” Nestlé Pakistan has been working for years to improve water efficiency both inside and outside its operations. Our partnership with LUMS is a continuation of our endeavors to create awareness on water conservation and efficiency through innovative ideas. The collaboration is also in line with our commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goal 6.”

About LUMS

The Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) is a world class academic institution with a proud history of achievement, and ambitious plans for the future. It is one of the leading universities of South Asia.

About Nestlé Pakistan

Nestlé is the world’s largest food and beverage company. It is present in 189 countries around the world, and its 328,000 employees are committed to Nestlé’s purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Nestlé offers a wide portfolio of products and services for people. Their ranges of 2000 brands include local favorites like Nestlé MILKPAK and Fruita Vitals. Company performance is driven by its Nutrition, Health and Wellness strategy. Nestlé is based in the Swiss town of Vevey where it was founded more than 150 years ago.

For further information, please contact:
Zara Basharat
Corporate Media Relations Manager, Nestlé Pakistan
LAN: 042-35988138
Email: [email protected]


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