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Handy Tips


Getting the ketchup out of the bottle

Insert a drinking straw, push it to the bottom of the bottle, and then remove. Enough air will be admitted to start an even flow.

Peeling Garlic



How to peal garlic easily

Cloves of garlic can be easily peeled if you place them in the microwave oven for 15 seconds. Avoid frying garlic at a temperature that's too high, otherwise it will become scorched and bitter. 



Run out of fresh bread

Just keep leftover hardened bread on the lid of a pan containing hot water. The slices will be soft and as good as fresh in no time. Or to revive the freshness of one or two breads sprinkle a few drops of milk on each slice in a preheated oven for 3-4 minutes. Sprinkle a little milk over it and place it in a moderately hot oven for 15 minutes. The crust will be crispier and the bread tastier. 

Also, you can cut left over bread into small pieces and fry them and serve with soup as croutons.